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Indie Game Movement

May 31, 2022

Discoverability is a huge factor when trying to get players to know more about your game and most of us know Steam events can be a big factor in this. 

However, the number of events you’re generally able to attend can be limiting thus reducing your exposure. 

Thankfully, we have Janek of Frogsong Studios to explain...

May 17, 2022

Lots of times when we start thinking about the marketability of a game, we can get caught up in so many details that we often forget one of the main elements that require the most attention. And that’s the core mechanic. 

Today Mustapha and I discuss how the core mechanics of the game not only help build the...

May 3, 2022

When you’re marketing your game, there’s lots of information you’ll need to process and understand in order to make the right decisions. However, sometimes it can be a challenge to know what information will help you achieve your main objectives.

Thankfully, Oscar Horgervorst of Steam Data Suite shares...