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Indie Game Movement

Jan 9, 2024

When people think about serving a particular audience or niche, it can be easy to focus only on the market demand and opportunities it may present. However not properly executing on that demand may result in obstacles that can make it a challenge to achieve sustainability. 

Today, we’re going to view a different...

May 26, 2020

At some point, indie devs are going to need to take action with their PR but it can often be a challenge. Writing only press releases isn’t enough to get the attention of the press, and simply asking for coverage isn’t going to work either.

Thankfully Yohann Miniere shares his expertise and experiences on how indie...

Jan 21, 2018

Andrew, Dicky and Justin briefly introduce themselves while going over why they started the podcast and what topics they look forward to discussing in future episodes of Indie Game Movement.